about F.H
birth of Dan Dare
original artwork for sale
Centenary Exhibition at Bourne Hall Museum, Ewell
One hundred years after his birth an exhibition commemorating my father's work is being held at Bourne Hall Museum, just a hop and a skip from Bayford Lodge, Epsom, where he lived and worked for 35 years, to run from 12 December, 2019 to 12 March, 2019. Click here for more information.

Although not large, the exhibition will have some interesting items of artwork and memorabilia on display. Local publicity has attracted a number of responses, including a couple from art students taught by my father at Epsom School of Art. One describes him as the man who made him ' the artist he has become' and another sent an email giving a fascinating insight into my father's time as a teacher and his interaction with his pupils. He has kindly agreed to let me share this with you. Click
here to read the letter.
